Day 5 in Bangalore

Day 5 in Bangalore


2 min read

Hi, I'm Pranay Sinha, a 3rd year B.Tech student with a keen interest in the tech industry and a passion for learning.

I'm on a mission to master programming and tackle any coding challenge that comes my way. In this series, you'll find my daily journal entries, presented as simple bullet points. Nothing fancy—just my honest thoughts and experiences from each day. So, please, no judgment! 😂

Join me as I document my tech journey in Bangalore. Let's dive in!

Day 5 (04/07/24)

  • As usual started off with today's LeetCode question 2181. Merge Nodes in Between Zeros

    This one was fun to solve! It probably took me around 4-5 minutes. I just had to traverse the list, and if I encountered a non-zero node, I added its value to curr_sum and removed that node from the list. I repeated this process until I reached a zero node. Upon reaching the zero node, I added curr_sum to the zero node's value and reset curr_sum to 0. At the end, I just returned the second node as the new head of the modified list.

      # Definition for singly-linked list.
      # class ListNode:
      #     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
      #         self.val = val
      # = next
      class Solution:
          def mergeNodes(self, head: Optional[ListNode]) -> Optional[ListNode]:
              prev = head        
              curr =
              curr_sum = 0
              while curr:
                  if curr.val != 0:
                      curr_sum += curr.val
                      curr =
                      curr.val += curr_sum
                      curr_sum = 0
                      prev = curr
                      curr =
  • Watched some Django tutorials and practiced concurrency patterns in Go.

  • Other than that, I didn't really do anything tech-related today. I watched a couple of movies and some episodes of Mob Psycho. I really like the vibe—I'm definitely gonna complete it soon.

That's about it! See ya tomorrow! 😄